Ford has 99 million customers globally, half of them in the U.S., and adds about 6 million new customers a year. But when it comes to offering a good customer experience that will keep them coming back for more, the automaker is mid-pack.

Not good enough, top leadership said. So Elena Ford was appointed to the new position of Chief Customer Experience Officer in October 2018, and she became a champion for how the company bearing her family name can make it easier to buy, own, and operate a Ford vehicle. The hope is happy customers will buy another Ford and tell their friends to do the same. “We live in a recommendation culture,” Elena Ford said. “Word of mouth makes or breaks.”

The commitment to customer service was lacking, she says, but now it is a priority for top leadership and all parts of the company are working on it. Investment in this area has doubled.

Ford has 99 million customers globally, half of them in the U.S., and adds about 6 million new customers a year. But when it comes to offering a good customer experience that will keep them coming back for more, the automaker is mid-pack.

Not good enough, top leadership said. So Elena Ford was appointed to the new position of Chief Customer Experience Officer in October 2018, and she became a champion for how the company bearing her family name can make it easier to buy, own, and operate a Ford vehicle. The hope is happy customers will buy another Ford and tell their friends to do the same. “We live in a recommendation culture,” Elena Ford said. “Word of mouth makes or breaks.”

The commitment to customer service was lacking, she says, but now it is a priority for top leadership and all parts of the company are working on it. Investment in this area has doubled.