Buying a car is a dream for many boys. They love their car more than their girlfriend or wife. They always keep their cars clean and wash them inside out frequently. They buy many accessories so that their car looks better than the others. Some paint graphical design on the car, some attach spoilers for an extra sporty look; they put the showpieces of their favorite characters like Batman, Flash, Thor, Deadpool, Ronald, Messi, etc. They put crome, window shade, etc. for stud look. Besides all these, one should know how to repair the car on the road during an emergency. In order to repair the car one should carry some basic tools.

Basic Tools Required after Car Break Down

  • Car Jack

A Car Jack is given by the car company while buying it. Many owners keep it out of the car to use the space occupied by the car. When a tyre gets deflated, a car jack is used to pull up the wheel in the air so that it can be changed. It is one of the most useful tools, in case of, changing a deflated tyre.

  • Multi-Headed Screwdriver

All the machines are held together with screws, nuts, and bolts. They get lost over a period of time and to tighten it we have to always carry a multi-headed screwdriver set. A multi-headed is required because the head of the screws differ from each other. When needed to tighten or loosen one can do it with the help of one screwdriver just by changing the head. It is one of the most essential tools in your tool kit.

  • Hammer

It is another important tool to keep in the toolbox. One never knows when its use will come in a car but still, owners keep it as they know that some time or the other its use will come. Mostly for changing the tube of a deflated tyre and the tyre is removed from the rim. To remove it from the rim the tyre is beaten with the hammer.

  • Pliers

Pliers are used to taking out pins and stones from the tyre which deflated it. It is also used instead of the screwdrivers where the latter cannot be used due to less space.

  • Adjustable or Multi-sized Wrench

The parts of a car where screws cannot hold the structure, nuts and bolts are used. The nuts and bolts are of various shapes and sizes. An adjustable or multi-sized wrench helps to open those parts for repairing for example, for changing the rim of a car; nuts and bolts are to be loosened.

  • A Small Air Pressure Pump

A small air pressure pump should be kept at the back of the car because if the car gets deflated and if you don’t find any garage to change it then you have to do it on your own. After changing the type you have to pump it with air in order to continue your journey.

  • Car Tool Kit

A car tool kit comprises a spanner, multi-head screwdriver set, nuts, screws, bolts, pliers with wire cutter, ratchet with socket, hex keys, etc. This toolbox is provided with a car from the car company itself. Though it comprises many things generally they are not of very good quality so it is advised to buy all the tools separately.

Some Other Essential Tools or Things

Some of the important things that are needed by the car owners but not for when the car is broken down but for other purposes. Some of them are as follows:

  • A First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is important to keep in your car because accidents don’t give signals before coming. By chance, if any mishap happens then a primary first aid can be done in order to stop bleeding or getting infected. A first aid kit should have a gauge, some band-aids, red medicine, burnol, cotton, headache medicines, antiseptics, etc.

  • Cell Phone Holder

A cell phone holder is nowadays common in every car especially the commercial ones. If a driver is driving in an unknown place then they look at the Google Maps to find out the location of their destination. But holding it in one hand and driving is difficult as well as risky. So, many drivers have opted for a cell phone holder.

  • Multi-Car Charging Device

Nowadays, different company phones have different charging ports. And if you are going for a very long ride then there is a change in your phone getting discharged. So you will be able to charge your phone with a car charger of the desired port but if your friends are traveling with you and they need a different charging cable then a multi-car charging device comes to rescue.

  • A Mini Fire Extinguisher

A fire extinguisher is of no use until the car catches fire and when it does will bid the world a goodbye before you know it. So it is always necessary to keep a fire extinguisher in your car to protect your family, friends and yourself.

  • Water Bottles

Every door of a car has a bottle holder. It is always advisable to keep at least four bottles in a car because during a long journey we might get thirsty and we may not get any shop by the highways for water. So in order to keep ourselves dehydrated, we should carry water in our car.

  • Polarized Sunglasses

At the front part of the car ceiling there is a space for keeping sunglasses. Always keep a polarized sunglass in your car. There are many cars with the dipper light button on and comes from the opposite direction. During the night you will have temporary blindness and it may cause an accident. The polarized sunglasses filter the light to make your visibility clear. This lowers the risk of accidents and also adds style.

If one keeps these things in the car then he will face much less problem rather will be able to come out from any other problem at any given time. But above all, one should also drive responsibly at minimum speed while getting drunk or in a hurry. Life is precious and should not be wasted in an accident because it doesn’t give the guarantee of your death. It might keep you in bed for years or make you handicapped. Hence, drive responsibly.