Safe driving is a priority for those on the road. However, there are those incidents when someone gets distracted, and an accident occurs. Knowing how to handle the situation can lessen the time you are on the side of the road and get you on your way to make repairs. Here are a few steps to follow.

Make Sure Everyone Is Alright

Ask those in your car if they are injured; then, if you are able, get out of your vehicle and check on those in the other automobile to see if they are hurt. If anyone complains of pain or you can see an injury, call for an ambulance as soon as possible. If there is potential danger being in the car, find a way for those inside to get out. However, if everyone involved is fine, try to move your vehicles off to the side of the road so the rest of the traffic can get around you. Someone should also call the police at this point so that an officer can help reconstruct the accident and take everyone’s information.

Exchange Information

Ask the other driver for the information from their driver’s license and their insurance card, and give them yours as well. Avoid discussing what happened with them so that assigning blame can be done by the officer on the scene or the insurance providers. If it is their fault, the company that you have your policy with can take over subrogation for you and collect the payment for your damages and injuries. Walk around your car and take photos of the scene and what has happened to your automobile. You will need these when you file a claim with your insurance agent. Evaluate if your car can be driven away or if you will need a tow truck. Once everyone has what they need, you can leave the scene.

File a Claim

When you get to a safe place, contact your agent, and file a claim for the accident. Provide as many details as you can, such as location, time, and how many vehicles were involved. Submit the photos that you have taken, the case file number given to you by the police, and the information from the other driver. Depending on who was at fault and the policy you have, you might be required to pay a deductible to get your car repaired. Your agent will be able to advise you on how to proceed and whether you should file the claim or pay for the damage out of your pocket. Submitting a claim could increase your rate in the future.

Look for Quotes

Take your car to a few body shops, and ask for a quote to repair it. Your insurance company may have specific establishments that they work with that they would like you to visit. Turn the estimates into your insurance agent then negotiate the shop that will make the repairs. Make an appointment to get the work done. If your vehicle will be with them for a few days, rent a car for the duration of time or arrange transportation for yourself and your family.